![Glorantha logo](logos/glorantha.png)
настольно-печатные игры без редакции
- White Bear and Red Moon (1975–1976)
- Nomad Gods (1977)
Dragon Pass (1980)AH849
Dragon Pass: Game of Gloranthan Warfare (1984)CHA1052
Khan of Khans (2016)- Glorantha: The Gods War (2019)
![RuneQuest 1ed](logos/rq1.png)
первая редакция RuneQuest (1978)
- RuneQuest by Steve Perrin and Friends (1978)
- SP1 Scenario Pack 1: Balastor's Barracks (1978)
- SP2 Scenario Pack 2: Apple Lane (1978)
- SP3 Source Pack Alpha: Trolls and Trollkin (1978)
- SP4 Source Pack Beta: Creatures of Chaos 1 — Scorpion Men and Broos (1978)
- SP5 Source Pack Gamma: Militia & Mercenaries (1979)
- SP6 Snakepipe Hollow, RuneQuest Scenarios (1979) — жёлтая обложка
- SP6 Snakepipe Hollow, A High Level Scenario Pack (1979?) — тёмно-зелёная обложка без рамки
- SP7 Cults of Prax (1979)
- JG107 Broken Tree Inn (1979)
- JG116 Hellpits of Nightfang (1979)
- JG220 Legendary Duck Tower (1980)
- JG310 City of Lei Tabor (1979)
- JG380 Duck Pond (1980)
![RuneQuest 2ed](logos/rq2.png)
![RuneQuest 2ed hardcover](logos/rq2-red.png)
![RuneQuest 2ed UK](logos/rq2-uk.png)
вторая редакция RuneQuest от Chaosium (1980)
RuneQuest by Steve Perrin and Ray Turney (1980) — первые тиражи в мягком переплётеCHA4001-H
RuneQuest by Steve Perrin and Ray Turney (1980) — красный твёрдый переплёт в суперобложке (в зависимости от тиража — цветной, монохромно-коричневой и монохромно-красной)CHA4001-X
RuneQuest: Action-Packed Adventures to Master Luck and Death (1980) — коробкаCHA4001-X
RuneQuest: Fantastic Adventures with Heroes & Magic! (1982) — коробка потолщеCHA4001-LE
RuneQuest by Steve Perrin and Ray Turney (2016) — переиздание в красном твёрдом переплёте в суперобложкеGW102107
RuneQuest The Fantasy Role-Playing Game (1980) — британское издание коробкиCHA4002
Balastor's Barracks (1978)CHA4003
Trolls and Trollkin (1978)CHA4004
Creatures of Chaos 1 — Scorpion Men and Broos (1978)CHA4005
Apple Lane (1978)CHA4006
Militia & Mercenaries (1979)CHA4007
Snake Pipe Hollow, RuneQuest Adventures in Caverns of Chaos (1981) — название заполучило пробел, а обложка — полноцветную иллюстрациюCHA4008
Cults of Prax (1981) — с ярко-красным названием на фоне картыCHA4009
Foes: 1200 Monsters of RuneQuest (1980)CHA4010
The Gateway Bestiary: Additional Monsters for Runequest (1980)CHA4011
Plunder: Runequest Book of Treasure (1980)CHA4012
Rune Masters (1980)CHA4013
Griffin Mountain: A Complete Wilderness Campaign for RuneQuest (1981) — американская и британская версии отличаются логотипами RuneQuest и качествомCHA4014
Cults of Terror: Nine Dangerous Deities for RuneQuest Role-playing (1981)CHA4015-X
Borderlands: A Runequest Campaign in Seven Scenarios (1982) — коробкаCHA4016-X
Trollpak: Troll Facts, Secrets and Adventures for RuneQuest (1982) — коробкаCHA4017
SoloQuest: Three Solo Adventures (1982)CHA4018-X
Questworld: 9 Gateway Adventures for RuneQuest (1982) — коробкаCHA4019
SoloQuest 2: Scorpion Hall (1982)CHA4020
SoloQuest 3: The Snow King's Bride (1982)CHA4021-X
Pavis: Threshold to Danger (1983) — коробкаCHA4022-X
Big Rubble: The Deadly City (1983) — коробкаCHA4023
RuneQuest Companion: History, Stories, and Play-aids (1983)CHA4500
King of Sartar (1992; 2007; 2015)CHA4501
Wyrms Footprints: Glorantha Legends and Lore (1995) — сборник материалов из пятнадцати выпусков одноимённого фанзина- The Sea Cave (написан в 1980, опубликован в 2016)
![RuneQuest 3ed](logos/rq3.jpg)
третья редакция RuneQuest от Avalon Hill (1984)
Глоранта описана как альтернатива базовому сеттингу фэнтезийной Европы
- RuneQuest: Fantasy Roleplaying Adventure (1987)
- коробки
RuneQuest: Fantasy Roleplaying Adventure. Deluxe Edition (1985)AH8571
RuneQuest: Fantasy Roleplaying Adventure. Player's Box (1984)AH8572
RuneQuest: Fantasy Roleplaying Adventure. Gamemaster's Box (1984)AH8573
RQ1 Monster Coliseum: Arena Combat & Chariot Racing (1985)AH8574
RQ2 Adventurer Sheets: Human (1985) — пока что у меня даже два экземпляра, надо будет избавлятьсяAH8575
RQ3 Adventurer Sheets: Nonhuman (1985) — аналогично два, надо точно продавать, это редкость вообще-тоAH8576
RQ4 Vikings: Nordic Roleplaying for RuneQuest (1985)AH8577
RQ5 Gods of Glorantha: 60 Religions for RuneQuest (1985)AH8578
RQ6 Griffin Island: A Wilderness Campaign for RuneQuest (1986)AH8579
RuneQuest: Fantasy Roleplaying Adventure. Standard Edition (1986)AH8584
RQ7 Land of Ninja: Samurai Roleplaying in Feudal Japan (1987)AH8585
RQ8 Glorantha: Genertela, Crucible of the Hero Wars (1988)AH8586
RQ9 Trollpak: Troll Facts, Secrets and Adventures (1988)AH8587
RQ10 Troll Gods: The Deities of Darkness (1989)AH8588
RQ11 Elder Secrets of Glorantha (1989)
- мягкий переплёт
RuneQuest: Fantasy Roleplaying Adventure. Deluxe Edition (1993)AH85711
Gloranthan Bestiary: Creatures From Around the World (1988)AH85712
Apple Lane: Save the Hamlet from Scurrilous Scoundrels (1987)AH85713
Snake Pipe Hollow: Venture into the Heart of Chaos (1987)AH85714
RuneQuest Cities: Create and Explore Your Own Fantasy Communities (1988)AH85715
Into the Troll Realms: Troll Adventures and Encounters for RuneQuest (1988)AH85716
The Haunted Ruins: A Complete Troll Tribe for Runequest (1989)AH85717
Daughters of Darkness and the Chronicles of Santon (1990)AH8589
Eldarad: The Lost City (1990)AH85906
Sun County: Runequest Adventures in the Lands of the Sun (1992)AH8591
River of Cradles: Lands and Peoples of Pavis and the Zola Pel Valley (1992)AH8592
Dorastor: Land of Doom (1993)AH8593061
Strangers in Prax (1994)AH8594
Shadows on the Borderland (1993)AH8595
Lords of Terror: The Cults of Dorastor (1994)AH8601
Special RuneQuest Package (1995) — содержит AH8579, AH8594, AH85906, AH8593061, AH8595 и AH85712
![RuneQuest 3ed GW](logos/rq3-gw.jpg)
третья редакция RuneQuest от Games Workshop (1987)
RuneQuest Fantasy Roleplaying Adventure, Third Edition (1987) — репринт коробки в твёрдом переплётеGW4642
RuneQuest Fantasy Roleplaying Adventure, Third Edition (1987) — репринт коробки в мягком переплётеGW4628
Advanced RuneQuest, Third Edition (1987)GW4667
RuneQuest Monsters, Third Edition (1987)GW4655
Land of Ninja, Third Edition (1987) — репринт коробки в твёрдом переплётеGW4630
Griffin Island (1987) — репринт коробки в твёрдом переплётеRuneQuest: SlayersRuneSlayers (1998) — недоделанная четвёртая редакцияRuneQuest: SlayersRuneSlayers, Revised Edition (2009) — есть в PDF, не исключено, что когда-нибудь распечатаю и переплету для себя
настольно-печатный HeroQuest (1989)
настольная игра про зачистку подземелий, ничего не имеющая общего с Глорантой, кроме того, что её автор перехватил права на название, которое Грег Стаффорд изначально хотел дать безрунной системе под Глоранту, потому что тот слишком долго мучил проект. спустя несколько лет то же самое случилось наоборот: Милтон Брэдли упустил момент продления авторских прав, и название отошло обратно Глоранте. кроме всего прочего, этому хироквесту я обязан новому хобби про покраску миниатюр.
- HeroQuest (1989)
- Advanced HeroQuest (1989)
- Kellar's Keep (1989)
- Return of the Witch Lord (1989)
- HeroQuest Advanced Quest Edition (1990)
- HeroQuest Adventure Design Kit (1990)
- Adventure Design Booklet (1990)
- Against the Ogre Horde (1990)
- Wizards of Morcar (1991)
- HeroQuest Master Edition (1992)
- Barbarian Quest Pack (1992)
- Elf Quest Pack (1992)
- HeroQuest (2021)
- Kellar's Keep (2021)
- Return of the Witch Lord (2021)
- Frozen Horror (2022)
- Mage of the Mirror (2023)
![Hero Wars](logos/herowars.jpg)
Hero Wars (2000)
Roleplaying in Glorantha (2000)ISS1102
Glorantha: Introduction to the Hero Wars (2000)ISS1103
Anaxial’s Roster: Creatures of the Hero Wars (2000)ISS1104
Narrator’s Book: Game Mastering in Glorantha (2000)ISS1301
Thunder Rebels: Player’s Book for Orlanthi Barbarians (2000)ISS1310
Storm Tribe: The Cults of Sartar (2001)ISS1401
Sartar Rising Volume 1: Barbarian Adventures (2001)ISS1402
Sartar Rising Volume 2: Orlanth is Dead! (2002)ISS1601
Hero Wars Retail Starter Kit (2000)ISS1602
Deluxe Hero Wars Handouts (2000)ISS9901
Deluxe Hero Wars – Epic Roleplaying in Mythic Glorantha (2000)USW1001
Tarsh in Flames (2001)USW1002
The Thieves Arm (2002) — для HW & HQ1USW1004
In Wintertop’s Shadow (2002) — для HW & HQ1USW1005
Sons Of Kargzant (2004)USW2001
Uz: The Trolls of Glorantha (2005)
первая редакция HeroQuest (2003)
Roleplaying in Glorantha (2003)ISS1001-H
Limited Edition Hardcover (2003)ISS1002
Hero’s Book – Playing HeroQuest (2003)ISS1302
Imperial Lunar Handbook, Volume 1: The Lunar Empire (2003)ISS1303
Masters of Luck and Death (2004)ISS1304
Imperial Lunar Handbook, Volume 2: Under the Red Moon (2006)ISS1305
Men of the Sea (2004)ISS1306
Champions of the Reaching Moon (2007)ISS1307
Blood Over Gold: The Trader Princes of Maniria (2007)ISS1403
Sartar Rising Volume 3: Gathering Thunder (2004)ISS1404
Sartar Rising Volume 4: DragonriseISS1501
Sartar Rising Volume 5: Orlanthi Narrator’s KitISS1502
Dragon Pass: Land of Thunder (2003)TUW1004
Wintertop Fair: The Men Who Would be King (2004)- Liber Newtus: A Tome of HeroQuest Adventures from Newt to Newport (2008)
Mythic Russia
Mythic Russia: Heroism and Adventure in the Lands of the Firebird1002
Mythic Russia: Heroism and Adventure in the Lands of the Firebird — твёрдая обложка1101
The Birchbark Chronicles 1: The Golden Horde (2008)
![HeroQuest v2](logos/hq2.png)
![HeroQuest v2](logos/hq2.jpg)
вторая редакция HeroQuest (2009)
HeroQuest (2009) — Tentacle-издание со старой эмблемой на обложке2001
HeroQuest (2009) — обычное издание от Moon Design2001
HeroQuest (2011) — переиздание от Cubicle 7 Entertainment2002
Sartar: Kingdom of Heroes (2009) — Tentacle-издание со старой эмблемой на обложке2002
Sartar: Kingdom of Heroes (2009) — обычное издание от Moon Design2002
Sartar: Kingdom of Heroes (2012) — переиздание от Cubicle 7 Entertainment- Ye Little Book of HeroQuest Dungeoneering (2010)
- Ye Little Book of HeroQuest Monsters (2010)
Nameless Streets (2011)77902
Sartar Companion (2010; 2012)ISS2004
Pavis: Gateway to Adventure (2012)-
Kraken Chapbooks
- Sharper Adventures in HeroQuest Glorantha
- Forgotten Secrets of Glorantha
- Ogre Hunt
- A Day at the Races
- Mother of Monsters
HeroQuest Glorantha (2015)4030
The Coming Storm (2017)4031
The Eleven Lights (2018)- Valley of Plenty (2020)
![RuneQuest 4ed](logos/rq4.jpg)
четвёртая редакция RuneQuest от Mongoose (2006)
Runequest Rulebook (2006)MGP8101
Glorantha, The Second Age (2006)MGP8102
Games Master's Screen (2006)MGP8103
RuneQuest Monsters (2006)MGP8104
RuneQuest Companion (2006)MGP8105
Cults of Glorantha Volume 1 (2006)MGP8106
Legendary Heroes (2006)MGP8107
Magic of Glorantha (2006)MGP8108
Arms & Equipment (2006)MGP8109
Player's Guide to Glorantha (2006)MGP8110
Fritz Leiber's Lankhmar (2006)MGP8111
Rune of Chaos (2006)MGP8112
Trolls — A Guide to the Uz (2007)MGP8115
The Clanking City (2007)MGP8116
Elric of Melniboné (2007)MGP8120
Cults of Glorantha Volume 2 (2006)MGP8123
Jrustela (2007)MGP8124
Dragonewts — A Guide to the Eravssarr (2007)MGP8128
Blood of Orlanth (2007)MGP8129
Dara Happa Stirs (2008)MGP8130
Elfs — A Guide to the Aldryami (2007)MGP8134
Games Master's Handbook (2008)MGP8137
Land of Samurai (2008)MGP8138
RuneQuest Spellbook (2007)MGP8139
RuneQuest Character Pack (2007)MGP8141
Pirates (2007)MGP8146
Magic of the Young Kingdoms (2007)MGP8148
Dwarfs — A Guide to the Mostali (2009)MGP8149
Ruins of Glorantha (2008)MGP8150
Elric of Melniboné Companion (2007)MGP8151
Cults of the Young Kingdoms (2008)MGP8154
Elric of Melniboné: Dream Realms (2009)MGP8155
Fronela (2009)MGP8156
Ducks — A Guide to the Durulz (2008)MGP8159
Ralios (2006)MGP8165
Lankhmar Unleashed (2009)
![RuneQuest 5ed](logos/rq5.jpg)
пятая редакция RuneQuest, вторая от Mongoose (2010)
RuneQuest II Core Rulebook (2010)MGP8172
Pavis Rises (2010)MGP8175
Cults of Glorantha (2010)MGP8176
Races of Glorantha, volume 1 (2010)MGP8177
Arms & Equipment (2010)MGP8178
Monster Coliseum (2010)MGP8180
Glorantha The Second Age Core Rulebook (2010)MGP8182
Necromantic Arts (2010)MGP8184
Empires (2010)MGP8185
Deus Vult (2010)MGP8188
Ex Cathedra (2010)MGP8191
The Abiding Book (2010)MGP8196
Elric of Melniboné (2010)MGP8199
Vikings (2010)MGP8201
Cults of the Young Kingdoms (2010)MGP8211
Cities of the Young Kingdoms: The South (2011)- Legend
![RuneQuest 6ed](logos/rq6.jpg)
шестая редакция RuneQuest от The Design Mechanism (2012)
вообще без Глоранты
RuneQuest by Nash, Whitaker and Friends (2012)- Firearms (2012)
Book of Quests (2013)TDM102
Monster Island (2013)TDM103
Ships & Shield Walls (2014)TDM200
Mythic Britain (2014)TDM300
Shores of Korantia (2014)TDM400
Luther Arkwright (2015)
![RuneQuest 7ed Quickstart Adventure](logos/rq7-qs.jpg)
![RuneQuest 7ed](logos/rq7.png)
седьмая редакция RuneQuest (2017)
Guide to Glorantha. Volume I (2018)CHA4026
Guide to Glorantha. Volume II (2018)CHA4027
RuneQuest: Roleplaying in Glorantha. QuickStart Rules and Adventure (2017) — есть только PDFCHA4028-H
RuneQuest: Roleplaying in Glorantha (2018)CHA4028-L
RuneQuest: Roleplaying in Glorantha (2018) — кожаный переплётCHA4032-H
RuneQuest: Glorantha Bestiary (2019)CHA4032-L
RuneQuest: Glorantha Bestiary (2019) — кожаный переплётCHA4033-H
The Glorantha Sourcebook (2018)CHA4033-L
The Glorantha Sourcebook (2018) — кожаный переплётCHA4046-H
RuneQuest: The Glorantha Sourcebook (2024)CHA4046-L
RuneQuest: The Glorantha Sourcebook (2024) — кожаный переплётCHA4034-H
RuneQuest. The Red Book of Magic (2021)CHA4034-L
RuneQuest. The Red Book of Magic (2021) — кожаный переплётCHA4035-X
RuneQuest: Starter Set (2021)CHA4036-H
RuneQuest. Weapons & Equipment (2021)CHA4036-L
RuneQuest. Weapons & Equipment (2021) — кожаный переплётCHA4038-H
RuneQuest. The Pegasus Plateau & Other Stories (2020)CHA4038-L
RuneQuest. The Pegasus Plateau & Other Stories (2020) — кожаный переплётCHA4039-H
RuneQuest. The Smoking Ruin & Other Stories (2019)CHA4039-L
RuneQuest. The Smoking Ruin & Other Stories (2019) — кожаный переплётCHA4041-H
Cults of RuneQuest: Mythology (2023)CHA4041-L
Cults of RuneQuest: Mythology (2023) — кожаный переплётCHA4042-H
Cults of RuneQuest: The Prosopaedia (2023)CHA4042-L
Cults of RuneQuest: The Prosopaedia (2023) — кожаный переплётCHA4043-H
Cults of RuneQuest: The Lightbringers (2023)CHA4043-L
Cults of RuneQuest: The Lightbringers (2023) — кожаный переплётCHA4044-H
Cults of RuneQuest: The Earth Goddesses (2023)CHA4044-L
Cults of RuneQuest: The Earth Goddesses (2023) — кожаный переплётCHA4045-H
Cults of RuneQuest: The Lunar Way (2024)CHA4045-L
Cults of RuneQuest: The Lunar Way (2024) — кожаный переплётCHA4037-H
Lands of RuneQuest: Dragon Pass (2024)CHA4037-L
Lands of RuneQuest: Dragon Pass (2024) — кожаный переплёт
по другим системам
- 13th Age Glorantha под 13th Age
- OpenQuest D100
хорошие сайты по теме
- RuneQuest таг в официальном веб-магазине Chaosium Inc
- Why I Like RuneQuest 1st ed.
- Runequest — Glorantha — Chaosium на Wayne's Books
- Griffin Mountain (Runequest, 1981): US and UK editions
- List of RuneQuest supplements на Википедии
- HW таг на Well of Daliath
- HQ1 таг на Well of Daliath
- A Brief history of game #3: Chaosium: 1975-present
- A brief history of game #4: Issaries: 1998-2006